Anti-piracy and accessory security encryption solutions

Var videoObject = { container: '.video', variable: 'player', autoplay:true, html5m3u8:true, video:' 11e8-ae04-408d5c8db401/1/hls/index.m3u8' }; if (!!window.ActiveXObject) { videoObject.html5m3u8 = false } var player=new ckplayer(videoObject);

85inch Nano Blackboard

Jumei JMSX Interactive Blackboard has three specifications of 75 inches, 85 inches and 86 inches. The size of the Nano Blackboard depends on the size of the classroom and the number of students. 178-degree ultra-wide viewing angle, fully compatible with Interactive Blackboard. All In One Smartboard adopts the integrated design of blackboard and computer. Intelligent Blackboard supports ordinary chalk, dust-free chalk and all kinds of pen writing, supports electronic whiteboard, the theme color can be changed at will, built-in page management, screenshots, paste, magnifying glass, etc., hundreds of practical tools. It is not only a Blackboard, but also a kind of Multi-media Equipment can play a variety of rich multimedia teaching functions such as teaching courseware, videos, pictures, animations, and annotations.

Intelligent Blackboard,Nano Blackboard , electronic whiteboard

Jumei Video(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd ,