Gome Online CEO Li Juntao returns to 11.11 retail nature

IT168 Information "Quality, low price, speed up, 3 ten rings, 11.11 , we have come!" On the afternoon of October 27, Gome Online held the press conference of "10 Ring 11.11 " in Beijing . Vice President of Haier Home Appliances Industry Group Shu Hai, General Manager of Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. Hu Jianyong, Vice President of Life Liu Youcai, Vice President of China for Huawei Terminal Co., Ltd. Xu Jun, Vice President of Sony (China) Co., Ltd. Hong Gang, Midea Home Appliances Air-conditioning domestic marketing general manager Liu Tao and other manufacturers representatives, as well as special guests - Olympic shooting champion Du Li went to the scene to help out. According to Li Juntao, CEO of Gome Online, 11.11 must be as focused, precise, and extreme as the Olympic shooting competition, and pursue the 10 ring score. In the “Gome Online, not only home appliances” brand concept, Gome Online advocated returning to the essence of retailing this year on 11.11 , fully satisfying consumers’ ultimate needs, and the goal is “10 rings of quality, 10 rings at low prices, and 10 rings at speed”. In addition, GOME Online 11.11 also provides users with a new experience of Internet + quality living through C2M personalized customization, VR home improvement, smart home, interactive live broadcast, financial management and other leading layout.


11.11 urgent return to the retail nature of the target quality low speed up to "3 ten rings"

According to Li Juntao, the CEO of Gome Online , from 2009 to 2016, 11.11 has become the electric carnival, consumer shopping festival , changing the consumption habits of 700 million internet users nationwide , and creating an economic scale of more than 100 billion yuan. However, under 11.11 prosperity remain uncertain, some users under a single impulse, bought a bunch of things that do not have access, it seems a waste of money but in reality, coupled with a single brush fake, shoddy products, express delivery and other issues of violence, degree The 11.11 ushered in the bottleneck and turning point after seven years of itching .

This year's 11.11 e-commerce industry began to reflect on, and some proposed rational shopping, and some called for the crossing of ancient commercial civilization. Li Juntao believes that 11.11 should bid farewell to false prosperity and return to the nature of retailing. The essence of retailing in the Internet era lies in the ability to fully satisfy consumer demand. It lies in its ability to control the supply chain and reduce the consumer's compromise in the consumption process. Li Juntao advocated the e-commerce industry 11.11 this year to retail as the starting point, so that quality, low price, speed up to 10 rings.

Li Juntao stated that this year's theme is “Ten Ring 11.11, ” inspired by the Olympic Games. The Olympic gold is often generated by shooting projects. In the shooting competition, the Ten Rings are full rings, representing the point where the target’s target diameter is 0.5 mm. The highest score. Li Juntao emphasized that GOME Online’s service concept has always been “quality, low price, and speed up”. During the period of 11.11 , as long as it can achieve quality ten rings, ten rings at low prices, and ten rings at speed, it fully meets consumers’ extreme demands for goods and services. Demand, Gome Online can come to the fore, gain users with high-quality reputation and evaluation.

Gome Online CEO Li Juntao

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Quality Ten Rings, the depth of cooperation, home appliances 3C as a core category continues strong, are the manufacturers direct mining, including Haier, Midea, Gree, Huawei, Apple, Samsung, Hisense, LeTV, millet, Konka, Skyworth and other first-line big-name, All of them reached in-depth cooperation. China US is the best distributor for Apple Asia Pacific, and it is also a full-channel partner for online and offline integration with Huawei, and the largest sales channel for Haier online and offline . Gome Online has an independent professional procurement company, 1000+ procurement team, big consumer data to be determined by sales, and the production line goes directly to the warehouse. In terms of product breadth, as a representative of “not only household appliances”, the supermarket department store Gome Online has its own GOME wine cellar, Linyi tea, Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, and fresh raw materials from Feiniu, Baicao, and Liangshi. Food, Procter & Gamble's Sassoon, Crest, Hu Shu Bao, Rejoice and many other brands. There are also overseas purchases of direct global channels, international big names, bonded warehouses straight hair, O2O experience, from Japan, Korea, Australia and other boutique appliances, food, beauty makeup, everything. Authentic, self-commitment 100% authentic, fake one lose three, open platform to find fakes, Gome Online will immediately delete the shelves, and the business up to 1 million fines, clearance and other penalties, direct deduction of merchants corresponding deposit, payment And so on, the first payment to consumers, and then to the platform business responsibility.

In terms of low-price ten rings, Gome Online believes that only the low price offered by Pratt & Whitney is a real low price. Gome's self-operated home appliance has accumulated 30 years of manufacturer relations and bargaining power. It has an online and offline purchase scale of hundreds of billions. Big data analysis analyzes consumer demand by sales, big batch batch buyout in advance three months, and OEM, ODM, etc. The cooperation model provides consumers with the most cost-effective products . In order to protect consumer rights, 11.11 this year , Gome Online launched a daily parity channel to help users filter, shop around, and use three decades of supply chain precipitation to save every penny for consumers. The comparison channel is based on the fields in the product name, and compares Jingdong and Suning Tesco's brands with the same model and same color, and directly shows how much the price is lower. It is updated every 30 minutes, and the system crawls and manually checks both. The automatic bargaining function on the line is also available. The user can click to receive the cash coupon for the product. Li Juntao said that the parity channel is equivalent to a magic mirror, allowing pseudo-low prices to be seen at a glance. It can lead users to shift from impulsive low-level consumption to rational high-level consumption, buy real value-effective products, and avoid massive returns and waste. In addition, the United States and the United States online price Jingdong expensive to lose 300, smart price tools to buy, October 28 opener from the singles can be guaranteed 11.11 the same day, to become the strongest protection of 11.11 low prices.

With respect to Ten Ring, Gome Online's self-operated logistics covers more than 600 large, medium and small cities across the country , close to 45,000 townships and four levels, and has four major operation centers in Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu, covering North China, East China, South China, and Southwest China. 428 warehousing, more than 3 million warehousing areas, tens of thousands of experienced logistics and distribution teams, achieved 182 cities in the country on the same day, 403 cities achieved half-day reach, and 922 cities achieved the next day. The small tiger logo printed on it, the medium-duty trucks responsible for trunk transportation, and the combination of small tricycles responsible for the delivery of the last one kilometer, have achieved nationwide distribution without blind spots. During the 11.11 period, Gome Online increased the number of shifts and the number of logistics personnel for packing, picking, delivery, etc., and increased manpower and vehicles by a factor of 20 compared to the usual time , ensuring that there are no explosions or delays. According to the Darwin system of big data, the distribution layout and delivery route are reasonably allocated. The major households will place an order before 11am on the same day and a single daily delivery before the 22nd, even delivery and installation will be completed in one step. Fast Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. is located in the core of the city within two hours. Fresh joint fly cow nets and SF cold chain logistics are available to keep fresh and live for 72 hours. Gome Online's first 7X24-hour on-demand delivery allows users to agree on any time within seven days of ordering, avoiding peak periods and receiving goods at their convenience. The National 2000+ Gome and Darun hairline stores are delivered directly to the next store, and support is provided. Gome Online promotes logistics with temperature. The courier also provides additional services such as out-of-box inspection, garbage disposal, return pick-up, new exchange, and new product recommendation.

Continuous launch of smart home C2M custom channel 11.11 to create Internet + quality of life experience

In addition to the "quality, low-cost, speed up" 3 ten rings, Gome Online also launched a series of featured channels such as C2M personalization, VR home improvement, smart home, and interactive live broadcasts on 11.11 of this year . The Internet + quality of life is laid out to create customizations and scenes. Entertainment and entertainment 11.11 . Gome Online CTO Yu Bin Ping, C2M English Customer-to- Manufactory (customer plant) abbreviation, is the United States online 11.11 exclusive on-line channel, the slogan is "custom good thing, Fun Life", in your life that you call the shots. According to the big data analysis consumer's individuality request, directly feeds back to the factory, cuts out all middle links, realizes the user the shortest link with the factory, completely eliminates the inventory, precisely meets the user demand.

Gome Online CTO Yu Binping

Gome Online C2M customization platform can realize the customization of clothing, home appliances, and fast-moving consumer goods, and supports designers to enter and operate, with product recommendation, product search, and order crowdfunding. Men's wear custom directly into the platform company, such as the red-collar factory, the first single, after the production, tide brand arbitrary. There are suit suits, there are shirts, pants, coats, etc., such as blue striped high-grade wool suit, you can choose different fabrics, buttons, size, as well as embroidery text, font, color, location, content, etc. can choose. Gome Online and Haier have jointly built a C2M customized home appliance business model, established a unified standard for home appliance customization, allowed users to participate in the design, and provided more functional modules for users to choose to add. The future of FMCG customization Gome Online will also cooperate with famous brands such as Wong Lo Kat and plan to reach more than 200 products in 20 categories by the end of the year. In addition, the GOME Group's 30th anniversary gifts, work clothes, gifts, etc., will be produced and sold by the C2M custom platform.

In terms of smart home, Song Linlin, vice president of Gome's home appliance business, said that Gome Online has signed strategic cooperation agreements with 18 leading home appliance companies and smart technology companies in China, and launched a smart home channel that covers smart goods, smart wear, and other products. The one-stop shopping smart life circle has also become the unique home appliance business platform for the Red Star Award design work. The goal is to become a one-stop solution provider for online and offline smart homes. Last year, 11.11 , GOME's online smart home appliance sales accounted for more than 30%, ranking first in the industry, and it was the first-selling channel for smart home appliances. This year on 11.11 , Gome Online passed the Gome Cloud Intelligence System, which covers intelligent product management, cooperative development of intelligent products, intelligent system construction, and after-sales service of smart products, and established super APP, intelligent cloud platform, smart module, and ODM intelligent product matrix. And perfect GOME intelligent ecosystem. The combination of GOME Super Intelligence APP and smart plug-in breaks through the barriers between home appliances of different brands, realizing one-button control of all home appliances, three modes of human-machine interaction, machine-person interaction, and machine linkage, multi-device interconnection and interoperability. Seam connection and control.

Song Linlin, Vice President of Gome Online Business

Olympic Shooting Champion Du Li Experiences VR Home Furnishing Deduction to Focus on Ten Ring Spirit

Gome Online also launched the VR panorama home improvement experience. Home decoration graphic design is not intuitive, resulting in asymmetric information home improvement company and customers, the final decoration effect and the customer's psychological expectations are too wide. In order to solve customers' home improvement pain points and realize “What You See Is What You Get”, Gome Online launched a free appointment for VR Home Furnishing APP, bringing together dozens of home improvement design styles, home improvement building materials packages selection, decoration team recommendation, construction acceptance, and finally home use. Electrical purchase, from the "room" to "home" one-stop home shopping experience. Gome Online VR Home Furnishings has one million apartment plans, one million real product models, one-click extraction matching, online cloud design, 10 seconds of speed rendering, 35 seconds to issue the whole house program. Photorealistic rendering between 3D templates, 720-degree panoramic roaming. Home-installed users wear VR glasses, as if they are in a real home environment, can watch at any angle, click on the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, you can switch to the corresponding room, see the virtual model of real products, including carpets, chairs, real-time display The price can be independently changed in color and style.

Olympic shooting champion Du Li said after experiencing VR at home, she was really new and interesting. She used to train and play in the past. Now he can retire and spend more time with his family. He also hopes to create a fantasy scene for his future home. According to Gome Online’s 11.11 theme “10 Rings” this year , Du Li stated that the shooting ten rings require stability. Former coaches once said that you don’t need to control how your opponents play, as long as you can reach Ten Rings with your own guns, you must be The final champion. She wished GOME Online 11.11 great success, quality, low-cost, speed up to do ten rings out of the full, bring more benefits to everyone, to become the 11.11 e-commerce industry champion.

Olympic champion Du Li experiences VR home improvement

Live Tucao 11.11 collar red packets financial wealth security high income

In 2016, it was called the first year of live broadcast. Various kinds of live APPs came out in an endless stream. There are more than 200 live broadcast platforms in China. Tmall, JD.com, and Jumei Youpin have established live channels, and e-commerce + live broadcasting has become a new outlet. Before 11.11, Gome online APP end of the live channel line, have a chat, watch and buy, leading brand coupons and other functions, invited actor, singer, men's team, Daren, big V, Xiaohua six types of anchors, behind the six categories anchor is 6 different circles, covering 5 million+ fans. At present, the live broadcasting platform is falling into a black hole of homogenous competition. Net Red and anchors all seem to share the same door, not selling sprouts or selling meat, and differentiated content is the way out for the future. UGC mode, which is different from user's production content, is mainly based on the PGC mode, which is produced by professionals. The features of “Global Purchase”, “Large Coffee”, “Wave of Tide”, and “Model for Young” are introduced. Columns, do not match the strength with the strength to create a new ecology of live content.

October 28th 11.11 to the end of November 12th open event, every night 8 o'clock, Gome online executives, manufacturers big brother, endorsement star, beautiful net red will debut, interact with friends, explosion models recommended, while watching buy. In each live broadcast, 10,000 red envelopes will be sent, for a total of 2 billion yuan, and a maximum of 1,111 yuan for a single red envelope. User 11.11, no matter what platform he is shopping for, if he encounters a trap or has a dissatisfaction, he or she can go to the Gome Online Live Channel to “tap” and have the opportunity to get red envelopes , brand vouchers and free single opportunities. GOME Live Live Channels is dominated by user needs after 80 and 90. In addition to pure product sales, interactive entertainment, red envelopes, and game slots are used to create a circled and scene-based communication and interaction platform to complete basic support and professional content. Accurate flow, complete closed-loop live cash, build a complete ecology of live electronic content of e-commerce, and then become a leader in fashion, healthy and new lifestyles, and start e-commerce live 2.0 era.

In addition to physical transactions, finance is also the focus of the 11.11 appliance competition. Song Linlin, vice president of Gome Online, stated that bank deposits are safe and reliable, but interest rates are low, and the interest rate of ordinary P2P platforms is high, but the risk of running is huge. Relying on Gome's 30 years of brand recognition, it has more than 1,700 outlets and 180 million home appliance users. Gome Online Financial Channel has launched the balance account Meiyingbao , P2P banking investment Jinbao, bill financing, US banknotes, and fixed income management. United States card, a dollar Indiana, 0 yuan get white and other products, annual yield of up to 10%, and there is security, to obtain high degree of consumer confidence, the growth rate of close to 10 times. During the 11.11 period, Gome Online Finance launched high-fiscal dividends, red envelopes plus revenue, 1 yuan Robbie Redemption vouchers, rushed interest rate card rushes, and white delivery of physical benefits, such as fixed income, 7.5% yield , input investment Amount, fill in the SMS verification code, you can pay for success, in the background " My Finance " shows that has been purchased, so that consumers 11.11 shopping finances correct .

The e-commerce industry expert Jia Dongsheng, general manager of Zhongkang, said that with the popularity of smart mobile internet, online shopping has become a lifestyle and habit, 11.11 holiday promotions have been deeply rooted, from several home appliance business platform development to the whole network carnival, all the people carnival. . But what consumers really need is good products, good prices and good services. According to Li Juntao, the CEO of Gome Online , 11.11 is the stage for GOME’s comprehensive strength. Ten Rings stands for excellence, pursuing excellence and achieving the best. In the face of 11.11 , Gome Online made full preparations to achieve three major win-win situations, integration of online and offline channels, a win-win situation for manufacturers and channels, and a great integration of consumers, channels, and vendors to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results. 11.11 The transaction amount figures are not important. The quality, low price, and speed up to three ten rings are the criteria for the evaluation. Gome Online wants to create 11.11 , the most sincere of the entire network , to fully meet the extreme needs of hundreds of millions of consumers.


Wuxi Doton Power , https://www.dotonpower.com